Thursday, September 30, 2010

Tuesday's conversation

Hi all,

Just thought I'd bring the remnants of Tuesday's conversation (at least from the time I left) into this forum.

First, I had asked about the impact of service upon one's personal faith experience. After everyone shared, the idea of "loving others to elevate one's faith experience" seemed to function as a common factor in each person's description. At the same time, our respective notions of "loving others" came across differently--for some the key attraction to faith-based service appears to be personal spiritual cleansing, whereas for others it seems that service is simply a necessary and unquestionably good thing to do.

I suppose I'd like to initiate a dialogue about everyone's notion of love, or loving others, and they way in which one's proprietary scripture, tradition, or culture, informs this notion. Or perhaps a brief discussion on Tuesday would be more effective.

Either way, look forward to seeing everyone next week.


1 comment:

  1. Jake, I think this discussion of the importance of love of humanity in strenghtening faith will be a good one for IFC. I'll suggest we take it up in one of our upcoming meetings.

